Singles’ Day is an unofficial holiday, which was firstly celebrated in China by 4 bachelors.  It is originally also known as bachelor’s Day. The significance of this day lies in its date, i.e. 11:11, which stands for 1 as an individual and four 1, as a group of singles. 

Singles’ Day is celebrated by making it a shopping week, offering lots of discounts, offers and in general, single people come together and celebrate their freedom and enjoy offers on their favorite products. 

Have you all wondered what being in a relationship would be like? By a relationship, I meant a romantic one. Where you love, respect, and trust your partner. The kind you watch in the movies read about in those books, and notice in your family and friends. A romantic relationship, oh, how every one of us craves for our significant others. However, being in a relationship is not a smooth walk or a piece of cake. It has its consequences, therefore, some people rather choose to remain single. It’s not that they don’t care about love, but there can be so many different reasons for not being in a relationship and enjoying one’s life on a solo ticket.  Our society is obsessed with the idea of finding ‘the one. They tend to think being in a romantic relationship equals happiness and fulfillment. Although, several people disagree.  I mean, why would one need someone else in order to be happy, as if one’s own company isn’t enough!

The point is, we often find discount coupons and other exciting offers which are designed for those who have their plus one, and all those single people out there? It’s like society itself is punishing us for not having our plus one. And to be honest? It feels so unfair, I mean, why should us singles be left out of all the fun? To us, single folks, who feel left out when others celebrate Valentine’s day, have you ever heard of singles’ Day? Yes! You heard it right, and no, I’m not joking,

Because of the internet, this unofficial holiday has started to gain attention, and people across the world have started to celebrate this day to their advantage. Especially those who work in the eCommerce industry by sensing the much obvious opportunity. They indulge themselves in giving discounts to the single community of the society. By offering irresistible discounts on the products during the week of this shopping holiday, the eCommerce industry is sure how to make a profit.

The eCommerce industry has always seemed to have the potential of making the best of everything and every presented simple opportunity.  People working in this industry are known to make the most profit as they have a knack for businesses. They’re creative and innovative and these qualities make them stand out from the crowd.

The main thing to keep in mind is that even if you’re not a single, the 11.11 event offers an opportunity for you to buy some really cool stuff at a bargain price. Happy shopping! 

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